"Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus" (Video, 2010)
("As you shout into the forest, so it echoes back")
GLOW II: Rites of Spring
April 29th, April 30th and Mai 1st
OPENING PARTY! Thursday, April 29th Doors at 7 p.m. FREE!
Narrative Program Screenings at 8 p.m. 10 p.m. and Midnight
GLOW II: Rites of Spring
GLOW manifests from a winter’s hearth of cinematic program and video installation to a new program exploring the rite of spring's luminescence and life. Hedonism, transcendence, utopias (lost and found), idylls and euphoria(s) explored. Over 20 artists from Berlin and the international arena will participate in the program. The narrative program will begin every two hours in the intimacy of The Z-Bar Kino, while non-narrative works play in the main room throughout. GLOW curators Adam Nankervis, Gillian Morris and founder and initiator of GLOW, Leo Kuelbs.
GLOW II artists include
Alexander Aparzev , Stephan Apicella Hitchcock , Alice Bradshaw, Johannes Buss, Eli Cortinas, Yuriy Kruchak + Yulia Kostereva, Danielle de Picciotto, Thomas Draschan, Jenna Duncan, Matl Findel, Angela Freiberger, Taras Golubkov + Oskana Trypolskal, Heide Hatry, Lan Hungh, Daniela Imhoff, Simona Koch, Konstantin Kopietz, Shanghay Surbir, Megan+ Murray McMillan, Vlad Marmaladov, Lauren Moffatt, Jonathan Monaghan, Olek, Sarah Ludmann, Magdalena von Rudy, St.& St., Denis Salivanov , Vadim Schäffler, Christine Schulz, Karol Slowik, Kai Teichert, Rachel MacLean, Paul Rascheja, Andreas Lorenschat, Nathalie Percillier
~Danielle de Picciotto April 29 2010
~Alexander Aparzev April 30 2010
~Thomas Draschan/Matl Findel May 1 2010
~OLEK April 29, 30 and May 1, 2010
with thanks to Liza German